
 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Snow Day!

When I was a kid, I love love LOVED snow days. Unexpected time off from school, an excuse to play with my sisters all day, and a warm cup of hot chocolate to top things off. Does it get any better than that?? Well, this week Griffin got to experience his first real snow day (lots of ice Monday through Thursday, but finally several inches of powdery snow on Friday). Seriously, the most snow I've ever seen in Texas....even Daddy got to stay home to play with us.

So, we bundled up and headed outside once it warmed up a little. Ryan showed Griff how to make a snow angel and even tried to build a snowman, but the snow just wasn't sticking together enough for that. Griff wasn't too impressed, although he seemed to enjoy tasting a bit of the fluffy cold stuff :) Even Dixie, who's a bit of a priss when it comes to inclement weather, had a good time.

Hey....what's all that white stuff out there?

Seriously Mom, have you seen this?

Attempt at a snowman...didn't turn out so great :)
P.S. Griffin is wearing Ryan's old Baylor stocking cap...so cute!


  1. I love the cap! This little guy has a hat for every occasion. Snow days bring back lots of wonderful memories. Warms my heart to see you creating memories with Griff on his first snow days! Dixie looks adorable.

    Love you,

  2. Poppa says Griff will be hitting the slopes before you know it :)
