
 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Costume Parade

Griffin's preschool had their annual Costume Parade today, so I got to stay for a few minutes and watch all the kids walk around in their Halloween costumes. There were a few tears from some reluctant participants, and I'm guessing it's probably easier to herd cats than to get a group of 1, 2, and 3 year olds to walk in a straight line, but overall, it was quite an adorable production.

As you can see, Griff was less than enthusiastic about the whole thing. And I think he was mildly confused by the crowd of camera-wielding parents staring at him. Not even one smile for Mama!

I also got to stay and watch Griff's friend Grant show off his fireman costume - such a cutie!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Pumpkin Patch

Last week, Ryan had some time off before starting his new job - so we took full advantage of our extra "Daddy time" and spent an afternoon at the local pumpkin patch. It was a little "challenging" to try to get an eighteen-month-old and a three-month-old to wear costumes, sit up straight, look at the camera, and maybe, just maybe smile on cue :) These are the best shots I could get. All I can say is God bless professional photographers - I don't know how you do it!

After our mini photo session, Griff shed the cow costume and had some fun driving an old truck, going down a giant slide and riding these adorable tiny tractors. Jasper seemed happy just watching his big brother this time, but I could tell he was already planning all the fun things he would be doing here next year!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Go Bears!

We've been enjoying a great football season for our Baylor Bears this year! Plus, we're having even more fun at the tailgating spot we bought with Uncle Blake and Aunt Heather. Sic 'em Bears!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Birthdays Galore!

This was a HUGE birthday weekend at our house! On Friday, Griff turned 18 months old, then on Saturday, Jasper turned 3 months old, Saturday night we had a birthday dinner at our house for Poppa and Gigi (who have September and October birthdays), and then we wrapped things up with a birthday lunch on Sunday for Z and Auntie B (who also had birthdays this weekend!) Whew! That's a lot of celebrating, so I have a lot of recapping to do :)

Griffin celebrated his 18 month birthday with his first big boy haircut. We went to this cute kids place in Southlake called Pigtails and Crewcuts, where he got to sit in a taxi chair, watch kids movies, smile at himself in the mirror, and pick out a prize from the treasure chest afterwards. Overall, he was a great client, and he is such a handsome little man with his new do!

What a cutie!

I have to say, this is my favorite age thus far with Mr. Griff. He's talking up a storm to anyone and everyone. I tried to write down all of the words he's saying, but the list is so long I can't keep track of them all! Some of my recent favorites are "See ya" "Awesome!", "Nunge" which means "orange" and "Unka Bake" which means "Uncle Blake". He can also tell you what noises a duck, cow, horse, dog, sheep, pig, bear, lion, monkey, and elephant make.

He loves saying hi to everyone he meets, playing outside, splashing in the bath, climbing on everything he can think of, making a fort out of our barstools, giving Bubba his bottle, being thrown in the air by Daddy, and eating popcorn, donut holes, and the newest favorite, chips and salsa - definitely Daddy's boy! We just love our Griff and can't wait to see what he does next :)

As I mentioned above, Jasper also turned 3 months old this weekend, and his personality is definitely developing. He's a fabulous sleeper, and started sleeping 10-11 hours a night at 10.5 weeks old!
He's definitely Mama's little lovey these days, saving most of his smiles and coos for me. Since Griff has always given his love to everyone he meets, I'm kind of enjoying this special Mama love from J. A girl could get used to this kind of adoration, but I have a feeling it won't last too long :)
He's rolled over a few times, but doesn't quite have the hang of it yet. And he seems to love having his face, cheeks and chin tickled. We've also had fun playing airplane by balancing Jasper on Mama's calves and zooming around - we even got a few tiny laughs that way!

Last but not least, a few pics from our Poppa & Gigi birthday dinner. The weather has been so great lately, that we got to eat out on our patio - love it!

Poppa and Gigi

Mama and Daddy

Aunt Heather and Uncle Blake
The family

What a fun weekend for the Fitzhughs! And we're just getting started....in November and December we also get to celebrate Ryan's birthday, my birthday, our 5th anniversary, Thanksgiving and Christmas! Hope my camera can handle all this excitement :)