One year ago today, we welcomed Griffin Thomas Fitzhugh into our family! Ryan and I have been so blessed to be this little guy's parents, and I find myself thanking the Lord daily (well, maybe not EVERY day) for the privilege of being his mother. He's a joy to be around and has become such a fun playmate lately.
Daddy took the day off of work and we spent the entire day celebrating our little man. He's such a big boy, that he decided to sleep in (till 8:30!) and then we all went out for donuts at our favorite little donut shop. Griff tried his first chocolate donut holes (and LOVED them), polishing them off with real milk (no more formula!!!). After his morning nap, we headed to the Fort Worth Zoo to check out all the animals. I can't remember the last time I went to the zoo, but the weather was beautiful and Griff really seemed to enjoy being outside, hanging out with Mom and Dad, and seeing all the new animals. We waved at the elephants and giraffes and tried to make monkey sounds :) After we got home, Daddy took a nap while Mama and Griff took a stroll to the local park. We finished things off with a bath, a little naked baby time, and mac 'n cheese for dinner (with clothes on). Overall - a great day!
The last month has been so much fun as Griffin keeps developing at an amazing pace. His appetite has really taken off and he seems to like anything he puts in his mouth (which is usually much more than he can swallow). He has 7 teeth now (4 on top and 3 on bottom), so I think that's helping him eat all kinds of new things. He's not using bottles anymore, but we are cheating a bit by using bottle nipples in the sippy cups...it's the only way I can get him to use them!
He's starting to say a few words that we kind of recognize. For instance, he can say:
"ageh" means "again"
"ahhhhh da" means "all done"
"eck" means "milk"
and the latest is "ukka" which means something like "hungry"
My mom also swears he says "dog" and Aunt Heather is sure she's heard "Heather"....not too sure about those, but you never know :) I LOVE that he is starting to really communicate now!
Lately, Griff is into shutting all kinds of doors, and often "helps" me load the dishwasher by shutting the door when its full. More than once, he has shut himself in a room or closet and then complains that he can't get out :) He also likes to play peek-a-boo by holding a blanket over his head and waiting for you to say "Where's Griffin?" Last, but not least, he's walking full time now!!! I mentioned last month that he was trying it out, but Ryan declared it official when Griff was able to stand up and walk off without any support. He really enjoys practicing this new skill, but he was a "loud" crawler, so I'm still surprised to turn around and see him standing right behind me sometimes.
Last weekend we had an awesome party to celebrate Griffin's big day, so be on the lookout for a new blog post about those festivities. For now, I'm signing off to enjoy a few more minutes with the birthday boy before he goes to bed. Griffin, we love you more than words can say!!